Managing Your Team

Team Management for Upcoming Contests

Once you enter a contest your team IS able to be edited until 5 minutes before the respective player live game starts. Users are able to join the contest until the first game within the contest is live.

To edit your team navigate to the contest you want to edit the roster for. Once you're on the contest which you wish to edit your team for scroll down to the bottom of your roster and click on the "Edit Roster" button

The edit roster UI is very similar to the Join Contest UI. Only players which aren't in a live game can be removed/added to your roster. Once your roster is updated click on "Finalize Roster"

After selecting "Finalize Roster" your wallet will appear to approve the Solana transaction of updating your teams roster on-chain. Phantasia stores your teams roster on-chain and enters your contest information data to the Solana blockchain so the smart contracts are able to determine the rewards and winner(s) of the contests.

Approve the transaction for updating your roster. The solana transaction fees aren't paid by the user and Phantasia covers these transaction fees which are usually less than a US penny.

Congrats your roster is now updated 🎉

Last updated