Submitting A Vote

Tutorial on submitting a vote for a Phantasia DAO proposal

Voting on proposals is an integral part of a DAO. The below steps describe how to submit a vote for a proposal within the Phantasia Sports DAO. The Phantasia DAO utilizes SPL governance built by the Solana labs team.


1) Navigate to the proposal that you are wanting to submit a vote for. The full list of proposals can be found here . Then select the proposal that you're wanting to vote for.

2) Once you're on the page with the proposal connect the wallet that holds your $FANT governance tokens.

3) On the righthand side of the screen the User Interface (UI) will show the amount of Governance Tokens within your wallet. To submit a vote you will have to deposit these tokens to the Governance program. Currently the governance program only allows you to deposit all of the governance tokens in your wallet. Click Deposit and approve the transaction via your wallet.

4) The Governance tokens section will be updated to the amount that you have deposited. In the example case this is 1 FANT. To submit your vote for the respective proposal, navigate to "Cast your vote" on the right hand side of the screen and vote to "approve" or "deny" the proposal. A comment box will appear once you select your voting option (leaving a comment is completely optional). Confirm your vote by clicking "Approve Proposal" or "Deny Proposal" as shown in the picture below.

5) Congratulations ! Your vote is submitted and the governance tokens shall be kept within the governance program for the duration of voting or until you withdraw your tokens. If you want to withdraw your vote from the proposal select "withdraw" which can be found on the right hand side of the screen . Selecting this option will impact the results of the proposal if voting hasn't ended or the approval threshold hasn't been met.

If there are any additional questions please contact our support team via discord (support available 24/7)

Last updated